Breaking the Stigma

       ​“Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.”                                                            Song of Solomon 4:7

In a world lacking understanding, children with autism today are viewed as a nuisance. Often, they are left alienated from the rest of the society which fails to see that they are all children of God. But as Christians, we have the power to help them in whatever way we can. The only question is, “How?”

by Iana Len Dalugdug and Luis Miguel Zeta


  • is an umbrella term for ASD, ADHD, and other neurological conditions.
  • Neurodivergents are alienated from society.
  • Neurodivergents may have a hard time managing their emotions.
  • "Autism is caused by vaccines." It is caused by genetic changes.
  • "Autistic people have special talents." Autism doesn't make someone a genius.
  • "Autistic people don't feel emotions." They merely express it in a unique manner.
Christian solution
  • Follow Jesus' example and brotherly love.
  • Avoid insensitive words. Just like neurotypical people, autistic people are hurt by harmful words.
  • Build a genuine and caring relationship with them.